Browse By : Piano Service & Repair

Action/Keyboard Repair work

First & foremost for a Piano Tuner to tune a piano , the Action & Keyboard need to be in good working order. In other words it needs to be free of any technicals defects. It is the responsibility of the Piano Tuner / Technician to keep the Client informed of the status of the piano & its importance to have them fixed 

This means :

  * There could be stick notes , notes that are not responding properly. This can be due to dampness (generally a piano need to be placed to a interior wall, avoid an exterior wall as much as possible 

 * The Action & Keyboard can have a great amount wear and tear. This can be a great obstacle to tune a piano.


E-mail   :
E-mail2 :
Phone    : +94 77 775 6720
Phone2  : +94 77 775 6952
Residence : +94 112 930 770


Trever De Silva
115/7, Alwis Town,
Hendala, Wattala.

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