
Trever De Silva, since his childhood his main interest was in to the technical work of the piano. As he went on exploring hands on, he gathered experience in all sections of the piano, starting from Action work, keyboard work, working on the strung back, finishing work on the cabinet, regulating and as his ultimate goal baking himself as a Piano Tuner. As years passed by Trever has converted himself to be a Professional in the Piano industry.

He would say that, it’s a lifelong commitment to convert yourself to a good, standard, experience professional in pianos.

As his next move, in 1992 once he completed his primary education at St. Anthony’s College Wattala , Trever , commenced his secondary educational level with a dream to become a Chartered Accountant, joined Messers B R D Silva’s & Co in 1995 as a article Clark and gained experience in the corporate world. As Trever completed articles in 1999, he joined Informatics Group as an Accountant and left in 2007 takin a challenging move to take up the Piano Profession as his bread & butter. His move was successful as he, since 2001 he started to Tune Pianos & do little repair work as his hobby. Within a short time frame of four years he had a client base of over 400 to start with. That was his turning point in making the decision to take up the Piano Profession full-time.

As at today’s Trever had been able to cater to a larger client base, starting from the high end to the normal day to day home used pianos. Trever’s quality of work has pushed him to the upper market. But yet he considers any new client who comes to him as a new opportunity for him and the client.

His motto, been in the piano business is to “stick to traditional techniques, while using modern technology “

Thereby Trever did made the important move in using the most advanced tuning software in the piano industry – worldwide (the Cyber Tuner) along with Cyber Tuning tools & Fujan Tuning Tools. This move has pushed Trever in delivering the client the best possible service a professional can deliver.

Trever always believes that the user of the piano is at the mercy of the Technician. Therefore the Technician is responsible in following certain standards in his technical work (specially tuning & regulation)



Trever De Silva’s vision is to be one of the best & well known Piano Tuner / Technician in the country and in the region.


Trever De Silva’s mission is to “Service Pianos with new technology & traditional techniques” while uplifting the standard of all the pianos that he maintains.


E-mail   : treverdesilva@gmail.com
E-mail2 : treverdesilva@sltnet.lk
Phone    : +94 77 775 6720
Phone2  : +94 77 775 6952
Residence : +94 112 930 770


Trever De Silva
115/7, Alwis Town,
Hendala, Wattala.

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